Ranked #1 Soccer Club in Ottawa

Learn More About The OPDL

Learn More About The OPDL 

The Ontario Player Development League (OPDL) Program is the pinnacle of development for youth in Ontario, providing players within the Talented Pathway with the best possible training environment. The high standards that are in place for the OPDL, ensure that we are optimizing the development experience for players within our club.

As a club, we must meet strict technical, administrative, facility and financial criteria that ensure we, as a license holder deliver a high quality program. This high quality program is delivered through a 12 month periodized plan which balances a 3:1 training to game ratio and includes support through sports performance training and athletic therapy accesibility. 

As a founding member of the OPDL, OSU is well equipped to deliver the OPDL program by utilziing our high quality facilites, operational knowhow and most importantly - quality of coaching staff.

We are proud to say that this solid foundation in which we operate from has facilitated considerable success over the first five years of the program. Each year, OSU has been in the top three clubs provincially for placement of players within Team Ontario Provincial Player Identifications, while consistently finishing with impressive league results for our teams. Overall, OSU has come to be recognized as a leading club in our province for player and coach development through the OPDL Program.

If you are interested in learning more about the OPDL Program, please contact our Academy Sporting Director & GM, Jim Lianos - , tel: 613-266-1224
